1. v Estonsku:
ESC in Estonia, starting ASAP!
Number of vacancies: 1 (Valga Open Youth Centre)
- until 11 months in youth centre
We are looking volunteers from the member states of the EU!
Look at Tankla´s webpage (https://tankla.net/tankla/in-english/esc-2020-autumn.html) for more information about the project and send your filled form to coordinating organization Valga county youth work center Tankla.
Please share this call to your friends and co-partners.
2. v Itálii:
Urgent calls!
A new year is coming. New year, new you? Become a volunteer!
Join the European Solidarity Corps and move to Italy for a year, learn about the country, its people and the language whilst also helping the local youth. 2021 will be your year!
Want to start the new year in Italy in a different way? Volunteer with young people and children in a youth center joining the European Solidarity Corps and becoming a member of
in the beautiful city of Bolzano.
Join: https://bit.ly/3pMMX5Z
Learn how to become a youth worker and organize and implement activities for young people in the #Kairos Giovani youth center with
Azienda Speciale Servizi Infanzia e Famiglia – G.B. Chimelli
, the public body created by Pergine Valsugana Municipality in Trento.
Join: https://bit.ly/3lPBf8z
#EuropeanSolidarityCorps #Volunteer
3. v Rumunsku:
Volunteer for developing a VOLUNTEER CENTER in the local community
Our association is looking for 16 international volunteers to join our team. Live in Romania relaxing in Balș, learning and enjoying traditions in this small village.
What is this project about?
arrangement of a volunteer center
making it welcoming and useful for young people
developing activities in this volunteer center
promoting the center
organizing events
street information events
monthly food allowance guaranteed
pocket money
Romanian language courses
travel support according to the travel band distance
local transport pass
and the best experience in the most beautiful places in Romania
How to apply?
Send fully filled in and complete registration at andctr@yahoo.ro:
1. motivation letter
2. CV in Europass format
4. ve Španělsku:
ESC Volunteers Call
We’re looking for volunteer who want to participate in an ESC project (one year) starting in January.
está buscando una persona voluntaria para un proyecto aprobado, con una duración de 12 meses.
Inicio el 15 de enero de 2021 hasta 15 de enero del 2022.
Si quieres conocer mejor SETEM puedes visitar nuestra web www.setem.org/navarra y si te interesa, puedes ver los detalles del proyecto e INFO-PACK en este link: http://www.setem.org/media/pdfs/INFO-KIT-CES_2020.pdf
El plazo para recibir las candidaturas acaba el 22 de noviembre.Luego nos pondremos en contacto con las personas pre-seleccionadas para una entrevista Skype.
Cualquier duda puedes escribir a: voluntariadosetemnavarra@gmail.com
El proyecto europeo „Educación para el Desarrollo y la Transformación Social“ da la oportunidad a la persona voluntaria a participar del día a día de la organización, con actividades variadas, como la tienda de Comercio Justo y proyectos de sensibilización vinculados al Consumo Responsable y Campañas de sensibilización y denuncia como la Campaña Ropa Limpia, etc.
El perfil que buscamos es alguien que pueda colaborar en actividades asociadas a la comunicación, gestión de redes sociales, contenidos web, con conocimientos en diseño y edición de imágenes, fotos, vídeo. Es importante que el nivel de español sea al menos un B2.
Si cumples estos requisitos:
1- Envíanos tu C.V. actualizado + Carta de motivación para este proyecto a
2- rellena este formulario: https://docs.google.com/…/1dCdQEJImyr3QckIc…/viewform…
5. ve Francii:
Hello everyone ! Tera Maison de l’Europe de la Charente and the CCI Charente Formation are still looking for 2 volunteers from Belgium, Germany, Ireland or Portugal ! The roles 2 and 4 are still available. You will get the chance to participate in many activities such as creating intercultural workshops, helping students in their daily life and promoting the ESC program by using your own experience. Join us in Angoulême France !
For more information : http://www.tera-maison-europe-charente.eu/ESC%20PROJECT%20G…
To apply : https://europa.eu/youth/solidarity/placement/22199_fr
6. v Řecku:
We are looking for volunteers from EU countries for the following 2 projects in Athens starting in January 2021!
if you are interested you can find in this post the 2 links from PASS in order to apply!
We are looking for volunteers from EU countries for the following 2 projects in Athens starting in January 2021!
if you are interested you can find in this post the 2 links from PASS in order to apply!
7. v Belgii
S pozdravem
Eva Havlickova
Hodina H